

'Gravity' Spacesuits, Cinematography and Director Get NY Times Close-Up

The Oscar-nominated space thriller "Gravity" is taking center stage in three stories on the New York Times website. The film's costumes, cinematography and writing all get turns in the spotlight thanks to new features published in the last seven days on "The Carpetbagger" — a New York Times awards season blog.

Released on Jan. 29, a New York Times video spotlights the father-son writing duo of Alfonso and Jonás Cuarón. They talk about their inspiration for the movie, and how the familial collaboration worked. Alfonso and Jonás even share a cute father-son moment when Alfonso explains how his son, Jonás, told him that discussing some of the finer philosophical points in the film was boring. Watch the video — "Dynamic Duo: Alfonso and Jonás Cuarón"

In a story published on Jan. 31, Rachel Lee Harris with the Times does a deep dive into the particularly unique costuming challenges presented by "Gravity's" setting: outer space. The costume designer, Jany Temime, basically had to reinvent both NASA's spacesuit and a Russian suit to get them ready for the silver screen. Read the costume feature — "Clothes and Character: 'Gravity'"

Emmanuel Lubezki, the cinematographer for "'Gravity' Cinematographer Wins Peers' Award"

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