

Falcon 9 Stage Landed on Barge Then Tipped Over — With Images

A key requirement – a simple, inexpensive and fast service between flights. Sake of it, you can increase the second stage or generally to change to a three-stage variant, the third stage having combined with the Orbiter at flights to LEO.

Now there is a predictable process – Musk experiments on disposablestage, with a view to use it a second time. Regardless of his success this way will not bring great economic effect. Should be done stage, designed for repeated use. It, for example, possible to equip engines Drago or Super Drago, instead of the gas engine to compensate for the horizontal speed and vertical position during landing. But other firms can make winged first stage. The first stage will be more expensive and heavier but will landing to the land intact with significantly more likely. For the same reason reusable upper stage may have wings.

Place landing should be on land. For reusable rockets do not need field drop – Russian spaceport should be placed in European and American – in the central part of the country or on the Pacific coast.

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